7 Tricks to Make Others Believe You Are Rich

Even if you have a limited budget, you can look as if you make millions and never have any money difficulties. Below we will tell you how to look great, successful and self-sufficient without spending a lot of money.

5. Pick only first-class shoes
High-quality shoes are important, because they can greatly improve the overall impression. We recommend pure classics – this will allow you to combine clothes that will easily match your shoes. It is better to take a pair of expensive shoes instead of a few pairs of cheaper ones. And don’t forget – dirty shoes is out of the question. Take proper care of them and keep them perfectly clean.

6. Think first, then buy
Spend some thoughts before purchasing an item. Don’t waste your money buying low-quality clothes. You will only win if you plan your purchases ahead. Consider your body shape and size. Think what type of clothes look appealing to you. Never buy garments that do not fit well even if you find them fabulous – this is probably one of the most important aspects to bear in mind.

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