10 Simple and Easy Ways to Reduce Your Calorie Intake

Slash calories by following the steps provided below. The tips are very helpful and useful for people who have finally decided to change their eating habits. Do not expect immediate results. However, if the change is made, you will see that the scale shows a different number.

9. Less cooking oil

Have a cooking spray if you prepare some of your meals using a pan. As you might know, 100 grams of oil contains 900 calories. Cut back on the amount of cooking oil if your goal is to shed pounds. Professionals recommend you should try and add a bit of vegetable, beef or chicken broth instead of cooking oil to make your dishes more delicious and flavored.

10 Simple and Easy Ways to Reduce Your Calorie Intake Less cooking oil

10. Plain tea or coffee 

Drink your favorite beverage plain! It has been proved that individuals who opt for black coffee without sugar and cream consume much fewer calories. You can slash more than 70 calories per day if you drink tea or coffee without any extras.

10 Simple and Easy Ways to Reduce Your Calorie Intake Plain tea or coffee

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