Enjoy Flat Abs With These 10 Super Foods

A flat abdominal muscle is something that you’ve been dreaming of for a long time? Stop dreaming and start acting!

7. Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat apples every day to stay healthy. Apples are low in calories and sugar, contain no fat, rich in fiber, vitamins and, of course, pectin. Pectin is a natural fat burner that’s why we’ve decided to include this fruit in the list. Research shows that people who eat at least one apple per day burn more fat than those who avoid eating this delicious fruit.

8. A leafy green salad

Whenever you feel hungry grab a huge leafy green salad instead of a chocolate bar. Salads contain minimum calories, perfectly fill you up without leaving space for junk food, and provide your body with all necessary nutrients, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Eat them as a snack or combine salads with meat, fish, or eggs.