10 Most Exotic Pets People Own

People have had various pets since ancient times. The most common pets have always been dogs and cats. Later on people understood that fish and birds can also be kept as pets.

7. Pygmy Goat

This is one of the most demanding pets to own. So people who dream of owning a pygmy goat should think first if they really can afford such a pet. Pygmy goats are fun to have, they are active, playful, and noisy. They love company and hate being left without attention. Besides, prepare plenty of room, leaves, and grass hay for your pygmy goat.

8. Fennec Fox

Foxes are too wild to be tamed. Yet Fennec foxes are great pets to own. They come from desert, they are smaller than felines and do not require too much space. Foxes are intelligent and you can easily train your pet to use a litter box. This animal is not dangerous to people, friendly and playful.