5 Creatures That Can Sense Danger and Disease in the Human Race

Scientists still cannot agree on how old our planet is. What we know for sure is that some of the species have existed for thousands years.

3. Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are scientifically called Drosophila melanogaster. These tiny insects have powerful senses of smell – powerful enough to sniff out cells that are damaged by cancer. This kind of flies have antennae that are covered in receptor neurons. Whenever the fly senses low concentrations of the right odors, it produces and receives a boost of calcium. Fruit flies are, undoubtedly, extremely annoying in our house. But the ways that medicine can use this species are endless. Flies respond on a biological level. Even though their reaction is not behavioral, their qualities as special as the qualities of other, more developed species.

5 Creatures That Can Sense Danger and Disease in the Human Race Fruit Flies

4. Grizzly Bears

Grizzly bears survive thanks to their sense of smell. Their sensitive sniffers make them a fantastic predator in their natural environment. Grizzly bears can smell humans and other animals as well as danger up to almost 20 miles. Do not be surprised to find out that grizzly bears can also sense approaching storms and other natural disasters. It is reported that their senses are strong enough to sniff out cancerous cells. The only problem is that working with this species might be dangerous in itself. Fortunately, there are other species we can trust this job.

5 Creatures That Can Sense Danger and Disease in the Human Race Grizzly Bears

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