5 Proofs You Are Too Demanding in Your Relationship

How needy in your relationship you are can be indicated by the following five proofs. Do not think that being needy equals to having needs.

3. You don’t allow him time to analyze his mistakes.

If your man is not smart enough it will take him longer to realize that he did something wrong. Allow him some time to digest the information. Let him use his brain on his own instead of explaining everything to him. He is a grown-up person.

5 Proofs You Are Too Demanding in Your Relationship You dont allow him time to analyze his mistakes

4. You ignore his needs.

Unless you learn to be clear about your wishes and needs will you learn to respect his needs. Do not feel shy and tell him that, for instance, you care about him and would like to know what you can do to make him feel happy. You do not have to be pushy. Your partner might be willing to have time for himself rather than, let’s say, go to the cinema with you tonight.

5 Proofs You Are Too Demanding in Your Relationship You ignore his needs

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