7 Phrases That Sound Annoying to Men

Watch your mouth! Think first and only then say something to your beloved! Wrong words can destroy any relationship. If you do not want to ruin your relationship, always control yourself. Not only women are sensitive.

5. How beautiful am I?
There are no stupid questions. There are stupid people. Do not be one of such people and never ask your boyfriend this question. It is a sign of low self-esteem only. Do you want to be constantly reminded how attractive and sexy you are? Then why are you dating a man who never compliments you? If he loves you, he will always remember to tell you sweet words. If you never hear such words, it means he is indifferent to you.

6. How soon will you call?
Sometimes we can’t help asking the person we like how soon we will meet him again. We want him to call us and directly ask whether he is going to call us or not. Actually, this kind of questions proves that you are too clingy and dependent. Be patient and let your man decide what to do on his own. Do not push him to do what he doesn’t feel like doing.

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