There are things that women keep doing. Some habits are negative and you should get rid of them as soon as possible. The list below tells what things can make your man dislike you. Do not ruin the date and avoid doing the following:
1. Dressing up
You are going on a date. Remember that it’s not the Queen you are about to meet. Dressing up is not the best thing to do, especially if you are going on your first date. Avoid too many accessories or official clothes. If you feel uncomfortable in your best high heels, then put on a different pair of shoes. Your outfit should tell the person who you really are. Be tidy and dressed nice. Relax and stay natural.
2. Not ordering any food
If your man asked you out to dinner, then order a meal. Enjoy the food! The dishes that you will order will only make both of you closer to each other. Food is one of the topics to discuss. Ask each other how good the food is, what you would change in the dish, what type of beverages would taste good with the food and tell each other about your cooking skills and talents. Enjoy your dinner and communication!