Luxury goods attract us for a great number of reasons. Once you look at a designer handbag or a purse, you understand that the item is different from those produced by unknown manufacturers.
Famous designers are responsible for the highest quality of their production and are ready to prove it by attaching certificates and number plates to the stuff they create. Since designer bags cost a lot, there are too many counterfeiters who are trying to make easy money by cheating people and selling copies of the legendary brands. We would like to share a couple of secrets that will help you spot a fake:
1. Do your own research
Some of us might not be planning on purchasing a purse from a special luxury boutique or a trustworthy mall. If you are one of them, do your own research first. Find out as much information about the item you are keen on as possible. The wisest decision would be to go to the particular designer’s store and see the real bag. Have a close look at the leather and stitching, labels and all those small details that prove that the bag is real. Find out what the hardware should look like and where the logos are printed and placed.
2. Do not trust vendors offering low prices
You are being cheated if the vendor offers you a bag for $200 and you remember that you saw just the same bag online sold for $2,500. Unless you are looking for something secondhand and do not mind paying for an item that has previously been born, be prepared to pay big money.