Tip #3: The importance of the seam.
Keep in mind that not only the cup matters. You should also pay attention to the seam, because this is another detail that plays its important part. The shape of the bra depends on the seams. The way your breast looks depends on whether it rests right on the seam. If the seam is horizontal, your breasts will look fuller and wider. The vertical seam centers the bust and makes it look narrower.
Tip #4: Wear the right shirt when shopping.
The top that you will be wearing while looking for your perfect bra will also play an essential role. The result will be not as productive and you will not be satisfied with the purchase if you are in a top that has a tricky collar. Clothes the fabric of which is clingy are not correct either. If it is the top you are looking for a bra to match with, simply take the item to the store, consult the shop assistant and ask for advice.