Feeling gentle sun on your skin and lying on a beach is definitely good, but to you want your body to grow old in prematurely age because of sun’s drying effect and sunburns?
In the middle of summer most of us spend free time at beaches, pools, barbecues and other outdoor fun that makes us confront with the sunbeams every second. And surely you understand that even little time under the midday sun can give some painful sunburn experience. Even if you apply a big amount of sunscreen (and many of us choose creams with a really light SPF filters), sweat and water can wash all of it during a long hot day. So please add a new layer of sunscreen every two hours and follow some tips I will give you about dealing with cruel summer. They are about not only protection, but style as well!
1. Don’t forget sunglasses.
You must certainly wear the shades to protect delicate skin around eyes and also save yourself from squinting that gives you wrinkles when you do it in a repetitive mode. Check if your sunglasses have good UV protection layer and buy a new pair if they don’t.
2. Wear a shirt with UV filter
UV-protection shirt on a beach can help skin to avoid almost every harmful sun beam you meet. Personally I choose Sun Precautions brand with their light and airy shirts that cover my skin from sun perfectly. I tale them not only on beach holidays, but also when I hike or travel under the sun for a couple of hours.