Your health is in your hands. You are your own doctor. The sooner you take care of your own body, the longer life you’ll live. Heart disease kills thousands of people every day.
It is not yet too late for you to improve your heart health. If your cardiovascular system works fine, you will never have any of the symptoms listed below:
1. Dizziness
Heart issues cause dizziness. It’s quite common and occurs in people in different situations. For instance, when they suddenly sit up or stand up. Dizzy spells appear because of the narrowed valves or low blood pressure. They happen because of abnormal heart rhythm and heart functions.
2. Sweating
Sweating is normal if you practice sports and lead a very active lifestyle. An intensive work out session is not what we are now talking about. Sweating while you staying inactive is abnormal. Clogged arteries won’t let the blood flow. This makes the heart pump harder. What happens to the body is it starts sweating. If your skin is clammy and you have cold sweats, see a doctor as soon as possible.