5 Good Reasons Why a Large Breakfast is Healthy

We all have hundreds of different things to do. We are constantly in a hurry and one of the worst habits we haven’t yet got rid of is skipping breakfast. Most of us would rather sleep longer and then go to work on an empty stomach.

3. A good breakfast helps to maintain a healthy diet
Now let us discuss how important it is to make the right food choice. You probably know that foods people eat for breakfast are not always healthy. Your mission is to eat only the right foods. Dietitians recommend eggs as a source of protein, seeds and nuts as a source of good fats and some green vegetables and fruits as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The more nutritious breakfast you prepare, the more energized you will feel throughout the day. The worst breakfast foods are sweet corn flakes with artificial flavors and donuts, because their glycemic index is too high.

4. A good breakfast increases concentration and helps to stay focused and alert
We used to be advised by our parents and teachers to have a healthy breakfast the day of an exam or test. They believed that this would help us stay alert and more focused. Food provides energy to our body and brain. If we are hungry, we feel weak and dizzy. Breakfast is necessary to stabilize our blood sugar. If you skip out on breakfast or eat the wrong foods, then you feel drowsy and lethargic. Our brain functions only if it receives plenty of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. As you can see, a morning meal is the most important meal of the day. Stop inventing excuses trying to convince yourself that you do not have time for cooking. All you need is an egg and a toast – this combination takes just a couple of minutes to prepare. Vegetable and fruit smoothies are also great!

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