6 Essential Organic Foods for Your Health

Organic foods are more expensive. Some people do not buy them just because they think that they cannot afford such products.

5. Grapes

If you do not suffer from blood sugar spikes, then eat grapes. These berries are high glycemic, which means that grapes should be avoided by people suffering from diabetes. There are plenty of benefits, though. Grapes prevent heart disease, improve digestion and reduce bone health issues and fatigue. Non-organic grapes, unfortunately, have over 50 pesticides. Most of them are known to disrupt hormones or cause cancer. Give preference to organic grapes or do not buy grapes at all.

6 Essential Organic Foods for Your Health Grapes

6. Meat

Organic meats do not contain hormones, antibiotics and steroids. Look for pasture-raised or grass-fed varieties of meat. These kinds of meats are richer in omegas 3 fatty acids, vitamins E and B – the elements that are needed for healthy hair. Organic meat comes from animals that are fed organic food; some of them are not confined to cages and live a happier life. Organic meat is good, but grass-fed or pasture meats are even better!

6 Essential Organic Foods for Your Health Meat

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