3. Orange Roughy
Orange roughy is a member of the slimehead family. There are a lot of people who find the flesh of this fish delicious. Another interesting fact is that this fish can live as long as 150 years. This sound amazing and you might first think that eating this fish will make you close to being immortal as well. Well, unfortunately, the longer the fish lives the more mercury it absorbs. Old fish are full of toxins that poison your whole system and ruin your health. Orange roughy prefer to live in cold waters, so they can be caught in abundance in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Eastern Pacific off Chile and a couple of other locations.
4. Blue Fish
This is another tricky species. Blue fish is rich in protein yet not fatty. It would make a great diet food, but the bad news is that blue fish besides mercury includes pesticides, PCBs and other harmful toxins. Agricultural chemicals that are brought to the water make this fish dangerous to eat. The fish eat algae and bacteria that may contain natural toxins.