7. Nuts, honey, peanut butter, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, tuna
Canned foods help us save a lot of money. You can keep some of them for years. There is a spectrum of canned foods that are healthy and tasty. All you need is a piece of bread and, if you have peanut butter, you can prepare a sandwich for breakfast. A can of tuna can be used to prepare a salad. Nuts make an excellent snack.
8. Cinnamon, paprika stock cubes, spice mill, salt, pepper
Spices can totally transform the taste of your usual dishes and foods. Use as many spices as possible. Most of them have healing properties and spices are one of the products that you can store in large quantities in advance. They are affordable and you do not need too much money to enjoy some of the greatest varieties. Do not use too much salt, though. It may increase blood pressure. Other spices contain zero calories, but plenty of taste and flavor. Take, for example, cinnamon – one of the spices that can be used for both main courses and desserts.