5 Steps toward a More Successful Life

We keep learning and discovering throughout our lives. This process is endless and we’ll never know it all about the world.

3. 80/20 rule

Let us first explain what we mean by 80/20 rule. The percentage teaches us to focus on the most important part of the assignment. If you know how to accomplish 20% of your work, you are sure to receive 80% of the desired result. To make your task less tedious, divide it into smaller parts and do the least important aspects after you are done with those that seem essential. And always remember that doing 20% does not guarantee you all 100% of the result.

5 Steps toward a More Successful Life 80-20 rule

4. Life-long learning

It’s never too late to learn. And you’re never too old to be a student. The world keeps developing. So should you! Keep track of the latest events, travel around the globe, communicate with intelligent people and do not stop studying once you get a diploma. The more informed you are, the more interesting you are as a person and the more valuable you are as a professional. Bright minds are appreciated everywhere!

5 Steps toward a More Successful Life Life-long learning

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