6 Stages You Cannot Avoid While Changing Your Habit

Quitting old habits involves a few stages. Before you manage to build new behavior, you’ll need to go through a special phase which you cannot avoid. Stay dedicated, determined and patient and you will soon be a different person.

5. Maintenance
Action leads to changes. Once the process starts and you see how different you are becoming, you begin to understand the importance of maintenance. Now your plan to change turns into a new lifestyle. If you want to stay healthy, slim and attractive, you’ll have to take care of your body on a daily basis, keep track of your diet and exercise. Your new habits will become part of your routine.

6 Stages You Cannot Avoid While Changing Your Habit Maintenance

6. Termination
The most dedicated individuals reach this stage. This is when you feel absolutely committed to your new behavior and you do not want your old habits to come back ever again. After eating junk food you feel sick and missing a training session makes you feel guilty. You want to live your life the right way and you know how to do it.

6 Stages You Cannot Avoid While Changing Your Habit Termination

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