6 Truths and Lies about Caffeine

What are we to believe? Is caffeine evil or good? We drink various beverages in which caffeine is the main component. Coffee, black and green tea and energy drinks contain caffeine. There are a few other sources of it.

True or False: Caffeine Has Dehydrating Properties

Caffeine provokes frequent urination. It actually makes you lose more fluids than you consume. Due to its diuretic properties a coffee drinker is less hydrated than an individual who drinks plain water and juices instead of energy drinks, tea or coffee. Moderate caffeine consumption does not cause any risk though.

6 Truths and Lies about Caffeine Caffeine Has Dehydrating Properties

True or False: You Cannot Benefit From Caffeine

The number of people who drink tea and coffee for breakfast is huge. Studies have proved that there are quite a few advantages in caffeine. The list of health benefits is really interesting. Those who drink caffeinated beverages on a regular basis claim they feel more energetic, lively and focused after drinking a cup of strong tea or coffee. Despite being subjective, these opinions are scientifically supported.

6 Truths and Lies about Caffeine You Cannot Benefit From Caffeine

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