7 Properties of Lemons You Might Be Interested In

There is something you do not yet know about lemons. They are fragrant and delicious. They are full of vitamins too.

There is something you do not yet know about lemons. They are fragrant and delicious. They are full of vitamins too.

But there are other useful properties lemons have you might be interested in:

1. Skin Care

Facial masks are an effective way to restore your skin. Masks hydrate and nourish the skin. They can clean the pores and make your complexion brighter. You won’t believe how effective lemon masks are! Mix some lemon juice with honey and apply the paste on your face. Leave it for about twenty minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. The same mask can be used to treat blackheads. The vitamins that the fruit contains can prevent the development of acne.

2. Joint Pain Relief and Arthritis Treatment

Lemons can be used as an arthritis treatment. They have anti-inflammatory properties too. Sip on lemon water with a bit of sugar and you’ll get rid of nausea. Drinking lemon water is healthy since it helps to remove uric acid – the acid that is usually deposited in the joints. Soak the areas that are affected by arthritis. This way you’ll reduce the pain and lessen inflammation.

7 Properties of Lemons You Might Be Interested In Joint Pain Relief and Arthritis Treatment