3. Being late for your flight
If you do not reserve you seat and are late for an overbooked flight, you might be given a premium class seat simply because the company will have no way. We cannot deny that this tip is rather dangerous and risky, but it works well if the times are busy. Always remember that you must not miss the check-in time. The passengers ahead might be given a flight upgrade instead of you and you will experience even more trouble.
4. Getting mad
Getting mad when you know your airline has made a mistake is not impolite at all. Teach them a lesson and let them know that passengers deserve to be respected. Be demanding and do not hesitate to express your feelings and emotions when and if you see they are doing something wrong. This tip is especially useful if you travelling somewhere with a stop at a connecting airport. The more stops there are, the more mistakes your airline companies might make. Get mad at them for being overbooked, for example. Tell them that if you do not get on the plane now you’ll be late for an important appointment. Make them feel guilty and responsible.