7 Typical Misconceptions About Introverts

We are too quick to believe in myths. Some of us do not want to test the info to make sure that what they believe in is really true. There are many myths we take for facts, although reality is different. This rule applies to what we know about introverts.

3. Introverts are tense and boring
This myth is too far from being the truth! Introverts know how to have a good time, relax and fool around. They cannot be seen at night clubs or parties, but they will watch a movie, read a book or play their favorite video game. For introverts an evening spent at home enjoying their preferred activities is far more satisfying than a loud night club with pounding music.

4. Introverts are poor orators
Researchers claim that introverts have all necessary oratory skills and talents. They are not afraid of the crowd. All they need is more time to prepare for a public speech. Practice makes perfect and they dedicate their time to rehearsals before they show up on the stage. Introverts can be stand-up comedians, inspiring lecturers and choose other occupations that involve speaking in front of the audience.

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