8 Tips to Help You Keep Your Car Perfectly Clean

We all drive and we love our cars. However, you need to take care of your vehicle if you want it to look good. Here is what you can do.

7. Vinegar
That’s something you should keep both at home and in your car. Vinegar is an excellent cleaning solution. Your upholstery will be clean again if you use vinegar mixed with shampoo. Such a combination can remove even the most stubborn stains and marks.

8 Tips to Help You Keep Your Car Perfectly Clean Vinegar

8. Charcoal
Instead of masking odors use charcoal to completely get rid of various smells. Charcoal has special properties that absorb odors. Put a few charcoal briquettes under the seats in your vehicle. You will no longer need any synthetics fresheners.

8 Tips to Help You Keep Your Car Perfectly Clean Charcoal

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