5 Proofs You Are Too Demanding in Your Relationship

How needy in your relationship you are can be indicated by the following five proofs. Do not think that being needy equals to having needs.

How needy in your relationship you are can be indicated by the following five proofs. Do not think that being needy equals to having needs.

For centuries women have been told that they should not be too picky and demanding. In some countries women are still ready to keep their wishes and desires to themselves while there are cultures where women are encouraged to fight for their rights. Both of these lifestyles are extreme. Luckily, there are a few ways to avoid being blamed for being selfish.

1. Make it clear what your needs are.

Needs vary and different people want and desire different things. Some want commitment and more time together, others ask for tender words, warm hugs and touched. It’s important to be clear about your needs. Do not reward your man if is incapable of providing you with what you need. For example, refrain from telling him how much you love and miss him if you know you will probably not hear from him. Do not be too clingy and never call or text him to remind him that you are still waiting for his reply. Your attention is a reward and if he behaves badly he shouldn’t be rewarded. Some respond better when you treat them poorly. If he doesn’t provide, let him feel the same way – neglected and abandoned.

2. The right way to ask for something.

Men are providers and most of them have it in their blood. They want to take care of those they love. What ladies need to understand is that the way they ask matters a lot. If a woman ask for something in the wrong way, she is likely to annoy her partner. You are not a doormat and you are not supposed to humiliate yourself, simply ask in a polite manner.

5 Proofs You Are Too Demanding in Your Relationship The right way to ask for something