6 Inventive Ways to Surprise Your Spouse

It is not always easy to keep your relationships fresh and intriguing. Married couple feel that sometimes routine won’t let them be as romantic as they used to be.

3. Lunch Break

Prepare a meal and visit your spouse at her or his workplace. Spoil your significant one with his/her favorite dish. If going to the office is not possible, make a meal at home or take your spouse out.

6 Inventive Ways to Surprise You Spouse Lunch Break

4. Surprising Surprise

Find an unusual place and hide your surprise there. For example, leave a sweet note on your spouse’s skin with a marker that is easy to wash off. You can also put a small gift in your spouse’s clothes. Actually, it is more important where you put your surprise rather than what you put there.

6 Inventive Ways to Surprise You Spouse Surprising Surprise

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