Watch romantic comedies or read romance novels and you will find out what you should never do if you want to attract a man. Always remember that reality is different and men might misinterpret your or dislike your behavior.
Flirting that we learn from movies and books will never work in reality. Read the article below and avoid the following most common mistakes women do when they flirt with the opposite sex.
1. Rough love
Fights and kisses do not accompany each other in real life. That’s what you have probably read about in another romance novel and are now thinking of trying this one out. Do not even think of testing it to see how it works. It never works unless your aim is to destroy what has already been created between you and him! The result might disappoint you. Conflicts lead nowhere and arguing and constant fighting ruin relationships.
2. Playing with your hair
Twirling your hear while talking to the man you have a crush on does not look attractive at all. Mindless playing with your locks, no matter how beautiful they are, is a turn-off. It looks childish and tells others about your insecurities. This does not apply to hair flips. If you know how to this, go ahead.