7 Things Flirting Women Do Men Hate

Watch romantic comedies or read romance novels and you will find out what you should never do if you want to attract a man. Always remember that reality is different and men might misinterpret your or dislike your behavior.

3. Enticing eating
You must probably seen this kind of flirting in bad movies. In low-quality flicks they do this trick pretty often. According to Shakespeare, all the world’s a stage! But you are not an actress! In reality a woman who is trying to impress her partner by eating enticingly looks weird.

4. Cheating/Lying
Trust once lost can never be regained. Do not try to lie to your partner or the person you are only beginning to build a relationship with. In movies they forget lies and live happily. There is no guarantee your love story will reach its happy ending if you constantly hide the truth. Sooner or later he will figure you out and there will be no chance to save your friendship.

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