7 Things Flirting Women Do Men Hate

Watch romantic comedies or read romance novels and you will find out what you should never do if you want to attract a man. Always remember that reality is different and men might misinterpret your or dislike your behavior.

5. Causing jealousy
Making the man you like feel jealous of you by simply starting to flirt with one of his closest friends is one of the things you should never do. Just imagine how much you would hate if it were done to you! Jealousy is always a negative emotion. Try and think of something that will make him feel more masculine, stronger and that will really help him pay attention to you and like you.

6. An Eye Wink
This flirting move should also be included in the list of things you should never do. Instead of winking at the man you are attracted to establish a good eye contact. He will understand that you are not indifferent to him and want to get to know him better. Remember though that staring at someone is impolite. Your eye contact should not last for too long.

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