The 5 Phrases Your Kids Should Hear from You

Communication is the key. This rule applies to the relationship between parents and kids as well. Children are very sensitive creatures and their intuition works for them very well.

Communication is the key. This rule applies to the relationship between parents and kids as well. Children are very sensitive creatures and their intuition works for them very well.

They subconsciously feel if what their parents say to them is fake. Try and talk to your children instead of nagging. Let them know that you care for them and love them more than anything.
The list below is an example of the phrases that are very important for your children.

1. Let’s have a deal, shall we?
Be friends and partners with your own children. Make the rules clear and follow them! And basic agreements will help you avoid the most common conflicts and misunderstanding. You relationships will not become worse – this tactics will only make it easier to solve issues in the future.

2. You’re a talented kid
Learning is fun. It’s an exciting game and kids love finding new thing out. Encourage their curiosity and motivate them to study by saying how smart, talented and skilled they are. Believe in them and them will believe in themselves.