8 Ingredients Turning Common Drinks Into Slimming Beverages

It’s not all about food that we consume. Calories exist in drinks as well. In the summertime we tend to consume more liquids to stay hydrated hence it’s extremely important to learn to control the amount of calories in your beverages.

3. Apple cider vinegar

There is nothing as good and refreshing as a glass of cold water on a hot summer day. Pour a glass of ice water, add some lemon, ginger, stevia and a bit of apple cider vinegar. This beverage is both healthy and slimming. Apple cider vinegar reduces blood sugar levels in your body; you feel hunger pangs less often which helps lose weight without any effort.

4. Lime

This green sour fruit can be added in any summer drink. You can use lemon juice instead. Limes are sugar-, fat-, and calorie-free. There is plenty of vitamin C to strengthen your immune system. Limes are great if you would also want to detoxify and clean your organism. Shed pounds while cleansing your body!

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